Plastics Reduction and the Future of Packaging (PDF)
Plastics reduction is in the news. Every week, another news report tells us that.
Watch how PrimePro® benefits the supply chain in the food industry
Chantler Packages is the developer of PrimePro®, a shelf life extension packaging that allows.
Watch the benefits of One World Sourcing
Thanks to a new partnership, as of July 2017, as part of the Packages.
Watch how the meal-kit industry is changing the packaging game
We teamed up with NSF International and their manager of packaging, food, and label.
Reviewing Your Food Packaging Labels
Having packaging designed for your food product can be an exciting time. It may.
Berlo’s Best Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie Recipe
The first day of Fall is this Saturday, September 22nd! What better way to.
Freezer-Grade CPP
Chantler Packages is excited to announce a new freezer-grade CPP for bakery packaging. Our.